Can I use the car air conditioner system to defog my car - Keepin" Cool
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    Can I use the car air conditioner system to defog my car

    Can I use the car air conditioner system to defog my car

    Can I use the car air conditioner system to defog my car


    One thing that tends to baffle drivers is how to go about defogging their car windows. They try the heat and have no success. Also, try the cool air and are not sure if they are having success or not. They may even see the air conditioner come on when they try to defog. Only to have them often reach over and shut it back off. It can be a confusing situation, but luckily there is a solution!

    Yes, you can, and probably should use your air conditioning system to defog your car. Even if it is cooler outside and you don’t feel you need the air conditioner on. This is because the air conditioner will work to make the air dryer, which will lead to a removal of the fogging that is covering the window.

    Drier air, caused by the vehicle air conditioning system being on, will clear your window faster and get you seeing better. Some vehicles are automatically set up to where when you try to defog the window the air conditioner comes on. This is because the drying effect that the air conditioner has will be more helpful than setting those temperatures on anything else.


    Can I use the car air conditioner system to defog my car


    Plus, using the air conditioner periodically in offseasons, or when it is not summer time, is good for the system. It will help prevent the decomposition of the parts, which leads to leaks. So using it to clear the window its a win-win situation.

    The next time your windows are fogged up, forget fiddling around with the heat and trying to figure out which temperature will help you clear it off. Just put the air conditioner on it and see how quickly you can see again! Before you know your car window is defogged, your air conditioner will be exercised, and all will be right again!

    At Keepin Cool, our fully qualified air conditioning technicians can give you a detailed report on the condition of your system and help you out with any necessary repairs and maintenance. We want to get your air-con working to its optimal performance, so make an appointment to see us today!

    Here you will find a list of some vehicle types we carry out and Car Aircon Regas Service. If your vehicle type is not on the list, please give us a call:

    Please call to discuss your specific requirement, or if you like free advice on your vehicle air conditioning problem, then we would be most pleased to talk with you. Alternatively, ask a question using the Contact Form.