HFO 1234yf Refrigerant Replacing R134a - Keepin Cool Auto Air
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    HFO 1234yf Refrigerant Replacing R134a

    HFO 1234yf Refrigerant Replacing R134a

    HFO 1234yf Refrigerant Replacing R134a


    For decades people have wondered what would be next in the world of automotive air conditioning. Just like with other fields, both in the automotive sector and outside of it, some changes continue to take place. There are also good reasons for the changes that are being considered and recommended.


    Decades ago we started out with the R12 refrigerant, assuming that all was well. We then found out that the CFCs were depleting the ozone. Our ozone layer to protect us from the sun’s harmful rays, so we had to take action. R12 refrigerant replaced with R134a. It happened in 1995 and was supposed to make everything better. And for years we thought it did!


    While we believed that R134a was safe for the environment, we have now learned that it could be adding to climate change. Some think that it may be a super greenhouse gas, thus leading to some environmental problems we were trying to leave behind. So now there is something new, and it is called HFO-1234yf. Created by DuPont, HFO-1234yf is a refrigerant that is supposed to be the answer to our vehicle air conditioning problems regarding the environment.


    HFO-1234yf supports new environmental regulations to help reduce climate change and is supposed to be much better on the planet. In fact, its estimated that using HFO-1234yf will provide an estimated 99.7 per cent reduction in global warming contribution in comparison.


    HFO 1234yf Refrigerant Replacing R134a


    Now you know a bit more about HFO-1234yf, that it may replace R134, and why that is so. Some people contend that there are still issues with HFO-1234yf that needs addressing. However, including the fact that it is flammable. As mentioned before, refrigerant producers are working to try and create a safer product that will help keep us cool. It’s just a matter of time before it’s all worked out and we are happily keeping cool, knowing we are doing better for the planet, too!

    At Keepin Cool, our fully qualified air conditioning technicians can give you a detailed report on the condition of your system and help you out with any necessary repairs and maintenance. We want to get your air-con working to its optimal performance, so make an appointment to see us today!

    Here you will find a list of some vehicle types we carry out and Car Aircon Regas Service. If your vehicle type is not on the list, please give us a call:

    Please call to discuss your specific requirement, or if you like free advice on your vehicle air conditioning problem, then we would be most pleased to talk with you. Alternatively, ask a question using the Contact Form.