02 Jul WHY R1234YF?
WHY R1234YF?
WHY R1234YF? In a nutshell, the automotive air conditioning industry has to find a new refrigerant to satisfy the emission standards set by regulations in the European Union Mobile air-conditioning (MAC) directive–a refrigerant with a low Global Warming Potential (GWP) of less than 150.
R134a has a GWP of 1300, while R1234yf has a GWP of 4!
The trade-off is that it is slightly flammable. For R1234yf to ignite, there must be the optimum amount mixture of refrigerant and air. Although exceedingly rare, should R1234yf ignite, it burns at approximately 10cm per second, so slowly.
As of January 2017, every manufactured car sold in Europe must have a refrigerant that meets this GWP level of less than 150 so will either have R1234yf, or in some Mercedes, CO2. At- the end of next year they expect about 30 million cars around the globe with R1234yf in their aircon systems!
There are many models of vehicles on Australian roads that have the new R1234yf, and this number will be rapidly increasing as all European-sold vehicles change to the new refrigerant.
Also speeding up this is that the Australian government has announced a phasedown of R134a beginning in January 2018, reducing the quantity brought into the country by 85%. The 15% left will remain to service vehicles with R134a systems.
The new R1234yf is the new refrigerant in Mobile auto air conditioning systems. It is here in Australia in vehicles on our roads right now and the number will increase at a fast pace over the next few years.
Typically, plan to have your car air conditioner regas every 1.5-2 years.
Not opting for an air conditioning regas will leave your aircon not putting out the icy air that it should. But having a car air conditioning regas is a simple fix that will have your vehicle feeling cool once again. And the excellent news is that you do not have to leave your house or workplace to have it done.
Keepin’ Cool serves the entire Brisbane Southside suburbs with mobile car air conditioning regas services for your vehicle. We can come out to your place of employment or your home and do your car air conditioner regas 1234yf while you take care of other things. The process will take 30-45 minutes and is affordable and effective.
Please call to discuss your specific requirement, or if you like some free advice on your vehicle air conditioning system. Then we would be most pleased to talk with you. Alternatively, ask a question using the Contact Form.